An accounting course introduces foundational principles of financial record-keeping and reporting. Topics include financial statements, budgeting, auditing, and tax regulations. Students learn to analyze financial data, interpret economic trends, and make informed business decisions crucial for managing finances and ensuring organizational transparency and compliance.

A taxation course explores principles and regulations governing taxation systems. Topics include income tax, corporate tax, and sales tax. Students learn to navigate tax laws, prepare tax returns, and understand tax planning strategies, essential for individuals and businesses to comply with tax obligations and optimize financial outcomes.

Financial Statement Analysis examines methods for interpreting and evaluating financial statements to assess the performance and financial health of organizations. Topics include ratio analysis, cash flow assessment, and forecasting techniques. Students learn to make informed decisions and recommendations based on financial data, crucial for investors, creditors, and management.

Ethics in Accounting explores principles and standards guiding ethical behavior within financial practices. Topics include integrity, confidentiality, and objectivity in financial reporting. Students examine case studies, regulatory frameworks, and ethical dilemmas, preparing them to uphold transparency and trust in accounting roles, crucial for organizational integrity and compliance.