A commerce course introduces students to the principles of trade and financial transactions. Topics include economics, accounting, business law, and international trade. Students learn how commerce shapes global markets and develop skills in financial analysis, market research, and business strategy, essential for careers in finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

A marketing strategies course explores methods to promote products or services effectively. Topics include market research, consumer behavior, branding, and digital marketing. Students learn to develop marketing plans, analyze competitors, and leverage tactics to reach target audiences, essential for careers in advertising, sales, and business development.

An accounting course introduces fundamental principles and practices of financial record-keeping and reporting. Topics include financial statements, budgeting, auditing, and tax regulations. Students learn to analyze financial data, interpret economic trends, and make informed decisions crucial for managing finances and ensuring organizational transparency and compliance.

An entrepreneurial skills course focuses on developing students' ability to innovate and create within existing organizational frameworks. Topics include idea generation, business model development, and pitching. Students learn to identify opportunities, manage risks, and foster creativity and collaboration, essential for driving innovation and growth in diverse industries.